Gaël Musquet, Hacker in residence @lafonderie_idf
A community in search of opportunities
The first workshop of the “Connected cars & Territories” community took place in June 2016 in the public digital agency of the Paris Region called la Fonderie. This community is involved in search of opportunities to create added value with data from cars. They also devote an in-depth reflection to open-access resources that can be shared and the commons.
4 presentations to start the day
The day started with 4 presentations of la Fabrique partners about they work on connected cars and their relation with territories.
PSA Car Easy Apps
Car Easy Apps is a consortium started by PSA and companies and researchers in automotive industry. Its goal is to look for a standard way to introduce the car as another object in the internet of things, preserving security and safety concerns. In other words, Car Easy Apps has the ambition to standardise and facilitate the communication between your car and your smartphone. It provides several tools as a simulator, documentation, SDK and even an API. In this way, any developers that wish to create a new connected car services, can access an important set of data and then share his production to improve it.
Xee – Eliocity
Eliocity with the Xee project is one of 10 projects chosen as a winner for the first call for proposals of la Fabrique. Xee is an advanced technology to connect all cars and create a large community of drivers. Their solution is a full stack approach, they provide an open platform, a cloud, sensors, data, APIs, applications and services. They are creating an open environment for developers to create new services. You can also join the new accelerator the XeeDEV App Factory and be part of the community.
La Fonderie Car
Can you hack your own car ? La Fonderie Car is an open source connected car, so yes, you can hack this car. The project is based on the four pillars of open innovation : open data, open software, open hardware and open standard. With this car, you can now for example access your tire air pressure or engine consumption, film while you are driving, check your heart rate and even communicate with your smartphone. You can also find in the car a solar panel, a 4G antenna, Global Navigation Satellite System, an high-speed wireless router and four open source hardware servers.
DATACT is an innovation program involving multiple partners in the urban field. One of the main projects is “La Régie de données”, a kind of platform for data regulation. The purpose of the Régie is not to centralize all the data but rather for finding a way to create a sustainable economy of dataservices suitable for all urban ecosystem stakeholders. The Régie is the trust third-party in this system, she verifies the integrity of the contributions, the data process and finally the cross-referencing of these data.
3 working groups
The workshop was divided into three sections to work on three different subjects.
Pleasant journey
Security, prevention, anticipation, better comfort, etc.
Problem to solve : How to reduce the time spent to find a parking spot ?
Less cars, more …
Incentive to change, tolls, parking organized, carpooling, car sharing, etc.
Problem to solve : How to reduce CO2-emission, relieve traffic congestion and reduce unnecessary traffic ?
World mapping
Road, environment, pollution, CO2 emission, motor fuel, etc.
Problem to solve : How to index the physical world in the numerical one ?
Call for contributions
At the end of the day, all the groups gave rise to new matters of shared interest as open data about parking lot, emission of pollutants and CO2, traffic and open source tools to simulate the traffic.
If you want to join la Fabrique on these new topics don’t hesitate in contacting us !
You can find more information on the Fabrique des Mobilités wiki.
By Margot Sanchez